project brief

This project funds a graduate fellowship in the Forage Fish Research Program to study forage fish trends, mentor future marine scientists, and publish research findings.

International Game Fish Association

Dania Beach, FL


$ 15,000

Funding Start Date

Jun 1, 2020

Funding End Date

May 31, 2021

Funding Partner

Project Objectives

  • Provide the Florida Wildlife Research (FWRI) Institute with capacity to analyze a backlog of fisheries independent forage fish dat

  • Answer FWRI research priorities relating to trends in forage fish abundance/composition and linkages to recreationally and commercially important fish species

  • Fund one graduate student fellowship at the total of $15,000 to work with FWRI scientists on forage fish research prioritie

Project Description

This project will fund one graduate research fellowship in the Forage Fish Research Program, a public-private partnership between Florida Wildlife Research (FWRI), leading academic institutions, and non-governmental to address research questions regarding Florida’s marine resources. Fellows in this program are expected to conduct projects that provide an increased understanding in trends in forage fish abundance and composition and their linkages with marine predators; foster the next generation of marine scientists by allowing a graduate student to work with established fisheries biologists; disseminate the results of the research through the and the Forage Fish Coalition’s media outlets, and; publish one manuscript in a peer-reviewed journal.

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