project brief

The Clear Lake Township Land Conservancy, Inc. of Fremont, Indiana was awarded $20,000 for the Kasota Island Shoreline Restoration bank stabilization project to protect coldwater fish habitat. Kasota Island, a 1.9-acre island located near the southwest corner of Clear Lake within Steuben County, Indiana, is disappearing at a rate of 3-4 inches per year. The 3-phased restoration project will restore and protect 1,375 lineal feet (LF) of shoreline from further habitat loss and shoreline erosion while reducing sedimentation and improving water quality and fish habitat.

Clear Lake Township Land Conservancy

Fremont, IN


$ 20,000

Funding Start Date

Jan 4, 2018

Funding End Date

Dec 31, 2018

Funding Partner

Project Objectives

  • Minimize the current rate of erosion of 3-4 inches/year along 275 lineal feet of Kasota Island

  • Improve fish and macroinvertebrate habitat with the installation of native emergent and sub-emergent plantings

  • Educate and engage the community in resource protection

  • Uphold our commitment to protect and maintain this property in perpetuity.

Project Description

A dedicated corps of volunteers led by the Conservancy regularly maintains Kasota Island. This same group, under the supervision of the Conservancy, will maintain the restoration efforts. Pulling invasive species, re-stacking any fallen rock, and visually inspecting the shoreline each year will ensure the project’s long-term success. A group of Conservancy volunteers completes annual water quality testing each summer, May through August, at the deepest part of the lake. The testing location, the data will be compared, before and after this restoration project, to determine if changes occur in the testing results.

Phase II - Loon Lake Island Shoreline and Shallow Water Restoration
Water Quality and Habitat Improvement at Hallett’s Pond

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