project brief
Restoration of eroding islands to reduce sediment input into Loon Lake
Loon Lake Property Owners Association
Columbia City, IN
$ 12,819
Funding Start Date
Jan 4, 2018
Funding End Date
Sep 15, 2018
Funding Partner
Project Objectives

Project Description
Loon Lake is a 222-acre natural lake located in northeast Indiana. The lake has a state-owned public access site and is annually stocked with walleye and muskie. In addition to these stockings, the lake is also known for its largemouth bass and panfish opportunities.
Two islands in the lake are experiencing severe bank erosion from wave action created by wind and boating activity, degrading the shoreline and fishery habitat.
The restoration of these eroding islands to reduce sediment input into Loon Lake will be accomplished by using bioengineering techniques. The project will require the use of glacial stone and native plantings. A total of 225 native plant plugs and 135 willow live stakes will be incorporated into the glacial stone. Following construction, regular monitoring will be conducted of erosion along the island as well as the growth and survival of native plugs to ensure adequate cover and diversity.