project brief
Trout Unlimited received $12,000 to restore brook trout habitat in Wolf Creek, TN, by replacing a failing culvert with a bridge, rebuilding the stream bed, enhancing habitat, and engaging volunteers in stabilization and fundraising efforts.
Trout Unlimited
Wolf Creek, Cocke County, TN
$ 12,000
Funding Start Date
Jun 1, 2022
Funding End Date
Dec 31, 2022
Funding Partner
Project Objectives

Project Description
Trout Unlimited was awarded $12,000 to restore stream habitat for brook trout in Wolf Creek, Cocke County, TN. This project replaced a failing double-culvert crossing with a bridge to reduce sedimentation risk, reconnect the brook trout population, reconstructed the impacted stream bed to mimic a natural stream system, placed course wood material to create a better stream habitat and revegetated the stream banks.
TU and partners replaced the culverts with a better structure and rebuilt the stream bed; it is a top priority coldwater conservation project for Trout Unlimited and Cherokee National Forest. Volunteers installed necessary signage and plants on newly constructed stream banks to reduce sedimentation risks, removed silt fence once the banks stabilized, and helped in raising funds.