project brief

The Clark Fork Coalition improved road crossings and reduced sedimentation in Granite Creek as part of broader restoration efforts in Montana's Upper Lolo Creek watershed.

Clark Fork Coalition

Missoula, MT


$ 25,000

Funding Start Date

May 1, 2023

Funding End Date

Sep 30, 2024

Funding Partner

Project Objectives

  • Improve habitat for native fish like Bull Trout and Westslope Cutthroat Trout.

  • Remove barriers to fish migration by upgrading road crossings.

  • Reduce harmful sediment in Granite Creek

  • Restore the ecosystem in the Upper Lolo Creek Watershed

  • Support better fishing opportunities for the public

Project Description

The Clark Fork Coalition of Missoula, Montana, was awarded a grant for improving road crossings on eight sites of Granite Creek, a coldwater tributary to the Lolo River. The purpose of this project is to increase the habitat for native fish populations including Bull Trout, Westslope Cutthroat Trout and other salmonid species.

In 2009, the National Forest acquired more than 32 square miles of timber lands in Upper Lolo Creek watershed as part of the larger ‘Montana Legacy Project’ in Western Montana. This land acquisition provides an opportunity for restoration and enhancement opportunities in the basin. Specifically, eight road crossings along Granite Creek road (FS 9942) that impeded fish migration and contributed to higher sediment loads in the creek were replaced with larger culverts integrated with the streambed and allowing passage of fish into critical spawning and rearing habitat.

Since 2006, road decommissioning and other road treatments have reduced overall sediment inputs and hydrologic impacts at a large scale in the Lolo Creek headwaters by removing stream crossings replacing culverts, culverts and installing dozens of large wood jams.

The entire project area lies on accessible public land and is open to angling. Wild fish populations are expected to increase because of the project, leading to more opportunity for angling success.


Read the Full Report
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