project brief

The North Carolina Wildlife Resources Commission was awarded $25,000 to help in constructing their aquatic plant nursery.

North Carolina Aquatic Plant Nursery

North Carolina


$ 25,000

Funding Start Date

Oct 15, 2022

Funding End Date

Nov 1, 2023

Funding Partner

Project Objectives

  • Establish self-sustaining and expanding native plant communities in reservoirs that can provide habitat for juvenile and adult fish

  • Improve water quality and clarity

  • Reduce rates of shoreline erosion and sediment resuspension

  • Provide competition with invasive plant and algal species

  • Establish plants communities that can withstand climate change

Project Description

The North Carolina Wildlife Resources Commission (Commission) was awarded $25,000 to help in constructing their aquatic plant nursery. In 2014, the Commission decided to make establishing native aquatic vegetation in reservoirs a priority. Since that time, the Commission has planted over 20,000 plants in 11 waterbodies across North Carolina.

Initial revegetation efforts used plants transplanted from local waterbodies, purchased from commercial vendors, and/or grown in an unused fish hatchery raceway.

The construction of a larger facility will increase plant production capability as well as provide a better capability to overwinter plants and create sustainable on-sites sources of material. The capacity of the nursery will expand over time from 4,000 plants in 2022 to 6,000 plants in 2023 to 12,000 plants by 2024.


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